Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019

4 violations cause android apps to be removed suspend from Playstore

4 violations that cause Android applications to be removed suspend from Playstore - To get income online according to Google, there are 3 ways that are generally done, namely, as a blogger, as a YouTuber and become an Android application developer.

To get income online as a developer of Android implementation, it turns out that it is not easy, the most important thing that we must pay attention to when we have been accepted as a Google publisher and we are obliged to obey Google policies, so we do not trust them according to their policies. receive penalties, both suspend and disable the publisher account that we have.

This also happened to me, because I myself am a newcomer in the world of Android applications, there are a lot of different policies for some of the policies I get as I don't get the experience, I just understand, even though I understand it, I will understand, even though I get the experience, as I get it, I will understand. as long as a publisher goole developer.

4 violations cause android apps to be removed suspend from the playstore

Departing from experience as a developer of Android applications, related to policy violations, until now I have experienced 2 application deletions because it is considered to violate policy, the first implementation was deleted according to the Play Store, but the responsibility of all my applications was deleted by Google, but in the end it was deleted in the end. able to be returned as well as thanks alhamdulilah if behind aired for example, was available at the time.

And the second to experience the removal of the application. for the second this is a fortunately just 1 application, it will be a pity that the implementation of the earlier seems not likely to be returned again because the terms of the appealing are relatively difficult.

Elimination of mandatory implementation is very, very high attention because often it happens once the cause is too bad (hopefully this will happen).

The cause of the android application that was deleted by Google was a playstore

Maybe my experience is also adding facts to you, and for those who are the first to plunge into the world of android application development like me, so you just know what to do and which should be avoided.

Some of the causes of why the implementation of Android was removed according to PlayStore:

1. The application is free with a privacy policy link.

When we will upload an android application to Google developer, then we will be asked to fill in the privacy policy link for the application that was uploaded earlier, it will remain optional (it can be included at a time when it is also able)

The link that goes to the privacy policy page is when we make it on the blogspot page or blog domain directly that we have, the url that goes to the privacy policy page must be inputted on the Google developer upload form and we have to put it wrong in one page of the activity page that we have. we make either a link or button.

Because of lack of experience, from the beginning I uploaded an android application on Google developers, one did not have it equipped with a privacy policy page because it was lazy to make it and I considered the data to be optional in nature (not important).
But over time, there may be a change in Google Play Developer's policy, in the end my application is completely removed from Google, the reason is because the implementation is not complete with a privacy policy page.

But fortunately the application that was deleted but everything was returned and normal as before. To restore the conditions turned out to be quite easy, I was only asked to install a privacy policy link on the Google Developer account and also in each of the applications that were removed.

make sure every application that we upload on the Google Play Developer has been equipped with a privacy policy link, so don't forget to upload it on the Google developer, the URL that goes to the privacy policy page is entered.

We can create a privacy policy page on the site // app- privacy- policy-generator.firebaseapp.com / after copying the privacy policy that has been formed on this page, then post it on our blog page, we will use the url on the implementation and also on the upload privacy form. google developer.

2. Installing links in applications leading to other implementations

The second cause of creating Android applications that we upload to the Google Play Developer to delete the Google is, install the link or button when clicked to another Android application page that we have previously uploaded to the same Google Play Developer account.

I used to use this method as a way to promote other android applications that have been previously uploaded, so we can recommend or introduce users to other implementations that are capable of downloading and installing on their devices.

Initially this way is just the case, even though I myself have been outdated enough to let it go, there are no notifications or warnings of any kind, but with the current and growing popularity of applications, it turns out that this is a form of violation with reasons to abuse Google products.

I finally got an e-mail, for example, which is equipped with a screenshot of the intended abuse:

GOOGLE PLAY ELIMINATION: Non-AdMob publishers are permitted to abuse or promote the abuse of Google products, such as Google Play, YouTube, or Blogger. This includes avoiding, or providing ways to circumvent the policies or requirements of such products or other Google products, for example by allowing users to download YouTube videos.

If your application is removed due to Google Play's policy enforcement, please contact Google Play regarding application removal here. If Google Play reactivates your application, submit an appeal to our team.

Be sure not to put any links in the implementation that lead to other applications for whatever purpose. So at the beginning, it will be considered as a problem, resulting in the removal of Android as a matter of playstore.

3. Create an Application Title and package name containing the name or term that is copyrighted.

For this case previously, I myself did not understand, because I am a beginner and do not know much about the terms of the Google Play policy, so as a result there are some implementations of me for using the term or word as a name.

Example: Game Puzzle Elsa Frozen.
If it is seen that there are no errors using the title, the title has been received, but it was observed that the title of the implementation of the android was very dangerous and was able to create an Android application and was removed from Google.
The reason is because the title contains the term Frozen, where the term was a title of a film that already has a patent.

I deliberately created an implementation with the title added using the icon using the image of a frozen movie character, because the film was very popular.
And sure enough, nir need to wait a long time, less than one month the application has received thousands of downloads more than every day with graphics that continue to climb, so that the application is relatively poly contributing dollars.

When the implementation was not yet well-known, there were no problems using the application, but due to the fact that its popularity was getting better, I finally received a warning notification that the implementation was deleted because it was considered to violate the policy.

For this problem, I received an email warning message that some Google Play uses the following contents:

Hi Developers at Jamparing xxx,
After review, Game Puzzle Elsa Frozen, com.jamparing.gamepuzzlefrozen, has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the impersonation policy.

Next Steps
    Read through the Impersonation article for more details and examples of policy violations.
    Make sure your app is compliant with the Impersonation and Intellectual Property policy and all other policies listed in the Developer Program Policies. Remember additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.

    Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.

What if I have permission to use the content?
Contact our support team to provide a justification for its use. Justification may include providing proof that you are authorized to use the content in your app or some other sah justification.

Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this suspension may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. One of my colleagues will get back to you within dua business days.

The Google Play Review Team

Make sure when we upload the application do not use titles that contain names or words that have copyright, for example, contain the names of super hero characters, or the names of cartoon characters, movie titles and other similar things.

At the beginning there will not be any problems, even the application will be escaped and allowed to publish, but along with the polarity of the android application that you created, your implementation will eventually be removed because it is believed to violate the policy.

Make sure also the package name does not contain the above, also the implementation icon, try not to contain things that are the abuse of copyrighted products.

4. Placing interstitial ads that violates policies.
In the implementation of Android we are able to install 3 types of advertisements, which are benner, interstitial, and rewarded video ads.

For insterstitial ads, make sure they do not violate placement policies, understand that how to properly install interstitial ads and not violate policies, because placing interstitial ads is incorrectly wrong as it makes the application suspended and removed by Google.
That is what matters about android applications that could lead to the android implementation being removed by google.

As the publisher of Android implementation, we should always understand and comply with all Google policies, because if our Android application is not removed and if the violation is considered severe and repeated, it can be that the developer account that we have deactivated.

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