Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019


This is the Blog Capacity Limit that you should know - This is the Blog Capacity Limit that you should know - There are a lot of blog service providers at this time, but of course the most popular is blogspot and wordpress, 

both are arguably the most popular platform in the internet world, both of which have advantages and disadvantages, only when this is itself a blogspot user, 

even though I don't know the specific reason why I chose blogspot, the reason I originally made a blog was just to be a fad, 

turned out to be known, and in his impression I realized it turned out that blogging had many benefits, after all the reason it was continuing to take care of the blog that was originally not interrupted.

Along with the many articles that I post, there are a few questions that cross my mind, the question is about the capacity of blogspot, from a lot of references that I get, it seems like I found the answer from one of the google articles about Limit on Blogger, on the full article about discussing it, I get the impression I found the answer from one of the google articles about Limit on Blogger, on the complete article, I discussed it in full. and quite frankly regarding blogspot boundaries.

The maximum capacity limit from blogspot

In this article, I will review again as described by Google, regarding the questions that relate to the limits of blogspot capacity, as follows:

1. Number of blogs in one account?

So many people know that we are able to create lots of blogs with only one blogspot account, but whether you know the maximum number of blogs that we are able to create in one blogspot account ?, 

As a reference from Google, it turns out that we are only allowed to create blogs with no more than 100 blogs in one account, if we want more, we have to create another blog account that we create a blog with with a maximum number of 100 blogs. But if there are 100 blogs, there is nothing that is better to use to delete the blog. 

Please read: How to delete a blog easily and quickly

2. Number of Articles in 1 blog?

For the number of Google articles itself, there is no limit, which means we can make as many articles as possible with no limits, like articles that will be stored on the blog account concerned, whether it's an article that may be in the form of a draft or an article that has been published. so we are able to make as many articles as possible without certain limitations.

3. Number of comments for 1 post?

One article posting is able to have more than 1 comment, even if the number is able to depend a lot on the popularity of the article, according to Google the number of comments in an article is not limited, no matter how many comments Google will save it for there are no comment constraints.

4. Space for drawing capacity?

The number of images that can be accommodated in one blog account is limited to 1 GB of total capacity, but if the capacity limit has run out, you are able to use the Google Plush service or Google Drive, at least you will receive 15 GB of appendage free of charge from the service.

5. Image Size?

For image sizes that are uploaded when we use a computer, the capacity of images that can be uploaded is not limited, but when using a cellphone or mobile device, the capacity of the image that is uploaded is limited to 250K per picture.

6. Team Member?

Sometimes 1 blog can be managed by more than one person, but there are approximately 100 maximum capacity limits for people who are able to join to become an author for 1 blogspot account ?, Some of the info is from Google, the team limit is 100 people for each blog. 

7. Number of Labels?

When we create articles, labels are usually used to categorize articles that we create so that they can be structured, according to Google, the number of labels that we are able to create for one blog with 2000 labels, while at the same time posting articles that can have or involve up to 20 categories.

8. Number of Character Description Blog?

Descriptions in general explain briefly about the blog and the contents of the blog, in describing the blog, of course there are special rules regarding the number of characters in the description, for the number of scripts the blog description will only be with 500 characters.

9. Page Size

The page size is limited to 1M only for every page, but we should be cautious when the number of posts is so large that it is able to suggest the size of the main page of your blog (Homepage), so we should be cautious when the number of posts is so large that it is able to suggest the size of the main page of your blog (Homepage). to swell, if the capacity of 1 page is more than 1M then there will be a warning "006 Please contact Blogger Support."

With information that is able to share to you about the Blog Capacity Limit you must know, so that this article is useful.

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